The Balanced Universe: A Reason to Believe
This short video explains how the fundamental laws of the universe are set up just right for life to be possible. In fact, they are more so than is reasonable for something that is accidental. This is a good reason to believe in a Creator. Your questions or comments are welcome below.
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Thanks for sharing this video.
I have a number of questions:
1) The speaker talked about math and science to show there is a Creator. Why then do scientists tend to promote evolution rather than creation?
2) Does the Bible speak about God balancing the universe?
3) If the universe is balanced, why has there been a number of periods of extinction of life over the history of the planet?
4) What are the odds/chance/probability of a balanced universe occurring?
Here are some answers to your questions.
1) The video is not about evolution – this is a separate issue and is to a great deal irrelevant to the question of the existence of a creator-God. In fact there are problems with the theory of evolution when one attempts to produce a mathematical description of it, but scientists who point this out tend not to be published.
2) The Bible speaks about God designing the universe. The science in the Bible is very accurate, but also very simple – the earliest parts were written in the bronze age, and had to be understandable by a bronze-age readership. When you think how different the usual ancient views of the world were from our modern view you come up with the question of how the Bible writers – bronze and iron age men – knew which elements of the usual bronze age world view to leave out.
3) The point of the balanced universe is that if the laws of nature are suitable for the existence of life. However, we know that even a tiny change in these laws would result in a universe in which there would be no chemistry and not solid objects – hence no life. An event like the extinction of the dinosaurs doesn’t change this view – the laws of nature still allow the existence of necessary prerequisites for life.
4) There are many different factors which must balance to allow the existence of life. These are independent of one another, and in each case the probability of a balance occurring is very small. For example, a change in the strength of the big bang of one part in 10^16 (1 part in 10,000,000,000,000,000). The probability of this happening without design is correspondingly tiny.
I know the speaker on this video very well. He is employed as a scientist and has a doctorate in Physics (as well as two other degrees). What you see in the video is what many scientists (including myself) say.
You can find a more detailed answer to your second question here: