We have been writing a series of blog posts on coping with hospital stays, when life gets difficult and our faith. Our aim is not really to make the blog about us and how we are doing but rather on what...
We live in a world that has advanced in many domains such as medicine, science, knowledge, technology, communication and information to name a few. Today, everything is questioned and there is a pressure for more information in order to make a...
Of all the subjects in the Bible, I think that the resurrection of Jesus is the most important, because it touches on God’s character, the work of his son Jesus, the meaning of the sacrifice of Jesus, the topic itself (Jesus’...
For me, one of the biggest attributes of the Bible is that it contains a message of hope for us all irrespective of wealth, race, nationality or where we are in the world – that hope is the same. In the...
Hope for a better future: thinking differently What is your hope for the future? We live in a world of instability and transient relationships. This can greatly affect how we feel about our lives, the future and what we realistically hope for. The...
The Bible is an amazing book that emphasizes the importance of God and the relationship God has with His creation. God is unique and a separate ‘being’ to other ‘beings’ that He created. “The God who made the world and everything...
What difference does God make in my life? This question is deeply personal to the individual and to answer the question requires a basis of faith to start with. The key aspects of this blog will be faith, hope, love, and...
A God of Awesome Deeds: “By awesome deeds you answer us with righteousness, O God of our salvation, the hope of all the ends of the earth and of the farthest seas; the one who by his strength established the mountains,...
The most important aspect of God’s Word is the promises that are contained within, promises that He makes to those who are prepared to trust Him. It is these promises that bring comfort, promises that feed off the weakest spark of saving faith...
At this point in time, there probably isn’t a person who hasn’t spent time holding on to hope that this pandemic will be over soon. Probably last year at this time we were hoping it would be over by the end...