The Christadelphian belief about the gospel, which can be translated as ‘good news’ is one that we are told to preach about. The gospel when it is found in the New Testament is often associated with the Kingdom of God and...
Inspiration, in short, is the motivation of a person’s heart and desires and is usually the catalyst for or the fuel behind the accomplishment of a goal, task, or other endeavor. In the case of the Bible, though written by human...
“And there shall be no more curse…” Revelation 22:4 The English word “gospel” comes from two words in Old English: “good” and “spel” (which means story or message), hence “good story”. The Greek word it is translated from in the New...
Although the Lord’s promise to David that his offspring would sit on his throne and have the kingdom established forever ultimately spoke of the future Messiah, the choice of David’s successor to the throne was an extremely important decision. Like the...