Learn how to do Bible study with this free guided study of Psalm 15

If you have read the Bible through, you may have noticed that it is not simply an historical narrative, but it is full of timeless wisdom on how to live well. Through the stories of real people and places, it provides the big picture of what happens when people make certain choices. Reading the Bible definitely provides an awareness of these things, but sometimes it can be really helpful to go a little deeper so you can internalize this wisdom. If you have never done Bible study before, or find it hard to know where or how to start, this guided study will help you. All you need is to download the study guide below and print it out, get the free Bible App such as Blue Letter Bible on your phone which provides a few helpful study aids, and find a pen to take notes with. If you prefer to use a computer, you can find the Blue Letter Bible here: www.blueletterbible.org.

Find a few other little studies like this here: Mini Bible Studies.

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