First, it’s important realize that the Bible is not an ordinary book that reads smoothly from cover to cover. It’s actually a library, or collection, of books written by different authors in several languages over several thousand years. But it’s a...
And he said to all, ‘If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me. For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake...
Love God with all our heart, soul and might “And you shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your might.” (Deuteronomy 6:5) Obey God “And Samuel said, ‘Has the LORD...
Obedience is shown in the world around us. The earth moves around the sun, the moon around the earth, the seasons come and go, all according to laws that are never broken.Mankind was also placed under law, although not in the...
Peace is not just a quiet feeling we have within ourselves in a calm setting. It is a way of life. Peace is about trusting our lives to God. It is about accepting who and where we are and working with...
We live in an age when the purchase and enjoyment of material possessions is given a high priority in the lives of most men and women. For some, it is an obsession. In our society, success is measured by the amount...
Prayer resonates throughout the Bible in both the Old and New Testaments. In the Gospels we read of men who commanded great armies, of people in high office in government, of mothers and fathers seeking the best for their children, of...
Daniel is a very interesting, as well as a very important Old Testament Bible character. His writings are contained in the book that bears his name. Not only are his writings interesting from a historical perspective, but there are prophecies contained...
Go tell it on the mountain, over the hill and everywhere. Go tell it on the mountain, to let My people go. Who’s that yonder dressed in red? Must be the children that Moses led. Let My people go … Who’s...
Next to Jesus Christ, King David is perhaps the most written about person in the entire Bible. This is because he was a very righteous man, one who pleased God so much, that he is the only person in the Bible...