When men call themselves “strangers and pilgrims”, they plainly indicate that they are seeking a country where they will be at home. This was the position of the forefathers of the Israelites, as shown by (Hebrews 11:13-16). What were they looking...
In the Gospel of Luke we see tension growing between Jesus and the whole range of religious sects that were either the Jewish government or close to it: groups that were often enemies, coming together for the sole purpose of destroying...
The land promised in the Bible is a real and substantial part of this earth, a place for living men and women; and inheritance in it belongs to the future. It has no connection with the cloudy region sometimes referred to...
Jesus went through every city and village of Galilee preaching… What was it that he preached? Surely his subject must have been the truth which above all others he most wanted men to know! The Gospels supply the answer: he was...
If we ever think seriously about life in general — about world problems, and about what the future holds for us personally — two questions which often arise are: Is permanent world peace possible? What will happen to us in the...
A popular answer would be, Yes! The Scriptural answer is undoubtedly, No. 1. Because eternal life is a matter of promise. “This is the promise that he hath promised us, even eternal life” (1 John 2:25). “Eternal life, which God, who...
In a previous post, we considered how the term “spirit” was used in the Old Testament: primarily the first five books from Genesis to Deuteronomy. We learned that, although the same Hebrew word is used (ruwach), the English word varies depending...
Spirit of God “Spirit” is a term that most people are familiar with. It is used in a variety of ways in our speech; however, we want to examine what the Bible has to say about “spirit”. We are introduced to...
Perhaps you would have difficulty in expressing clearly any hope you may have concerning the future. You do not often think about it or talk about it to your friends. Yet definite information concerning the future can be obtained in the...
If you accept the religious beliefs held by nearly everyone until recent years, you would answer this question by saying, “It all depends; if we have done the right thing while we live, we shall go to heaven, of course; and...