We have earlier followed the life of John until his death in prison, however, we will not return to the time when John was still baptizing in the Jordan. At this time Jesus, leaving the desert, follows the valley of the...
John was the one to first announce the mission of Jesus, and he prepared the way by baptizing those who turned again to God, but there his work ended and that of Jesus began. And it was so great a work...
Now in the quiet village of Nazareth, Jesus has been prepared. The time has come for Jesus to appear in Israel. He has heard that John is preaching and baptizing. The way is ready. John had probably never seen Jesus, yet...
Many of the greatest names of the Bible belonged to men who spent a long period of their life in quietness. The great prophet and lawgiver, Moses, spent forty years of his life, one third of it, in the quiet solitude...
There are certain days and periods of the year which every boy or girl particularly remembers. In just the same way a Jewish child counted the months and days to particular times and seasons. Every Sabbath day marked a complete rest...
In that little city of Bethlehem Joseph and Mary would find much to do. Joseph would be required to see to the enrollment of himself and his family. Then, when the eighth day had come, that important ceremony of circumcision had...
A census is a most interesting and very important matter in national affairs. On a certain night the head of each household must record the names of all who stay that night in the house, together with other details concerning them....
Galilee, like Judea, is hilly, and perched upon one of the steep hillsides was Nazareth. This mountain village was the home of a devout young maiden, of the name of Mary, who, at this time, was betrothed to a carpenter named...
The beautiful Temple which had been built for the Jewish nation by Herod was the wonder and admiration of all. Even the Romans, who, in their own country and cities, lived amidst beautiful and impressive buildings, added their tribute to its...
The Gospel of Matthew presents Jesus as the King. Jesus is introduced firstly as the “son of David” and then the “son of Abraham”. It would appear that Matthew is emphasizing the kingship of Jesus, since David is mentioned before Abraham. ...