How to easily access the Bible on your computer or phone

Bible Desktop

Online Bible Software allows you to download Bibles, different versions of Bibles, Bible reading plans, dictionaries, commentaries, lexicons, maps, atlases, and other Bible products to your desktop or mobile device. This makes Bible reading and Bible study very convenient.

There are many free software applications, which include the text of the entire Bible, often in several different versions. They also enable fast searching for words or phrases. For example, finding occurrences of the phrase “Son of Man” would be difficult using a printed concordance, but very easy using a computerized concordance because it allows searching for an entire phrase rather than just the individual words.

Some computerized Bibles also contain lexicons (Hebrew or Greek dictionaries) and it is possible to find the different places where the underlying Greek and Hebrew words have been used, even when they have been translated differently. This allows you to find out what a word means from the original Hebrew and Greek, in which it was written.

Olive Tree App

For daily Bible reading, I use Olive Tree on my mobile device. This application is free and it has a number of features such as a choice of a number of Bible versions, many Bible reading plans, word search, book marking, highlighting, note taking, saved passages, change fonts and settings and the opportunity to purchase additional products.

Using a daily reading plan on my mobile device allows me to continue my Bible reading wherever I am. It also allows me to track my progress over time.

One of the software packages I prefer to use on my desktop computer is Bible Desktop. I use this software for Bible study as it provides a number of features that I use regularly, such as looking up words from the original Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek languages, switching between different Bible versions, copy and paste into documents for future reference and commentaries.  These are only a few of the many features of this product, but they are very helpful, whether you are reading or digging deeper on a topic to gain greater understanding.


The following websites contain useful materials to assist with Bible reading and study:

  • Bible Desktop: Lots of Bible versions, advanced word and phrase features, commentaries, etc.
  • Blue Letter Bible: Easy to use as an app on your phone, useful tools, lexicons, dictionaries, commentaries, etc.
  • Olive Tree: Lots of Bible versions, many Bible study tools – lexicons, dictionaries, commentaries, maps and atlases, etc.
  • Bible Gateway: Lots of Bible versions in lots of different languages.
  • E-Sword: Download the e-sword software including many different Bible versions, dictionaries, etc.
  • NET Bible: The New English Translation of the Bible including many helpful translation notes. You can also download a copy for your own computer.
  • International Bible Encyclopedia

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